
Yesterday this fabulous scarf with a wonderfully sweet note came for me in the mail. Isn’t Sarah E. the greatest?

It’s all rainy and cold here so this is a low light photo which doesn’t do it (or my new bangs) justice.

scarf from Sarah E

And a pic with better light.

scarf from Sarah E

Thank you so much Sarah, you’re fabulous!

Category: cool things 3 comments »

3 Responses to “surprise!”

  1. loo

    pretty! is it as soft as it looks?

    And your new bangs look like a Rock Star!

  2. Karin

    Great picture of you — you should use it for your Me page since you look like a model.

    You’ve now inspired me to get a haircut this weekend, I hope you realize. Thanks, I needed the inspiration.

  3. sarahgrace

    Lovely, lovely scarf- very pretty colors!

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