
The new toy.


Features that I think are cool:
It charges the ipod(s) when it’s turned on.
Cross fade feature between ipods (which allows me to switch from Jim’s music to my own far superior music.)
It was $62.54 (brand new) on clearance at my favorite place. Regular price $249.99.

Category: NERD! 4 comments »

4 Responses to “bargain”

  1. Merededeux

    Quite honestly I don’t even know what that is. But I’m VERY impressed at the deal you got!

  2. Carla Cappetto

    So you are into the hi tech toys huh? I learned years ago that I will let John stick to buying the high tech stuff, it gets to complicated for me, I dont mind all the $$ is usually cost though, I always tell him he can spend as much as he wants on all that equipment & stuff, as long as I get equal $$ for clothes! I think we are far from being totally even, but I do need a bigger closet! Enjoy the toy while you can, it will probably be outdated in a year or two and you’ll have to upgrade!

  3. super_luminal

    Yay! very cool. I think I may break down soon and get one of these iPod Dock alarm clock thingies for my biz traveling. I’ve developed this total complex over not trusting hotel alarm clocks to get me up in time.

  4. marie b.

    And here I thought my new Wacom tablet was the bees knees.

    I am suitably humbled.

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