your ticket to a more beautiful Colorado

Last week Jim and I met with our insurance lady to talk about adding more life insurance to our policy. If we go with the changes, it’ll be about $70 more a month. A few days after the meeting, Jim came to me with a plan. “We should take that $70 a month and buy powerball tickets!!!” He went on to explain, “With life insurance we have to wait for the other one to die, but with the lottery, we can be rich and be alive to enjoy it.”

Sounds like a plan to me.

Category: daily 5 comments »

5 Responses to “your ticket to a more beautiful Colorado”

  1. mimsie

    Jim is very smart, doit!

  2. Merededeux

    Adorable. But you should save a couple bucks for scratch-offs. They’re more fun.

  3. Kari

    Great plan! Who wants all that money to themselves?

  4. mamafrog

    hehehe. sounds good! happy mother’s day to you, too, by the way! :) i’ve been so out of the loop lately, it’s crazy…

  5. KB

    I’m currently looking into life insurance, can you possibly recommend the company you are uusing?

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