cherry limeade

cherry limeade

7up or Diet 7up
maraschino cherries

Squeeze desired amount of lime juice into a glass. (I like the juice of at least one lime.) Place half of squeezed lime in glass for color and more flavor. Top with ice. Pour 7up over ice and top with desired amount of cherries. It must be served with a straw!

Category: recipes 3 comments »

3 Responses to “cherry limeade”

  1. suzy

    mmmmmmm i need to stop at the store for some cherries limes and 7 up on the way home…. sounds yummy!!

  2. Merededeux

    I bet that’s a hit with the kids. I’ll add that stuff to my list today. THANKS!

  3. Jill

    That’s one of our summer favs too! YUMMY!

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