grace, like rain, falls down on me

My kids in opposite world: Honor looking sweet and Eden looking grumpy.


the biggest grump

Honor has been SO difficult lately, Good LORD, difficult. I’m not exactly sure what to do with him. But I just keep thinking, some day he’s GOT to grow out of this… I hope? He is cute tho… I’m really worried about the one day a week he will be down at the shop with me.

Eden on the other hand has been really easy and so hilarious. She’s been throwing her daddy’s jokes right back at him, it’s been really funny to see the two of them go at it. Sometimes I wonder how my four year old is more mature than I am?

Yesterday we were all sitting down for dinner when we heard a big crash in our back yard. Jim got up to check it out and I was sure that it had something to do with the dog. Jim hasn’t been a big fan of the dog lately, and if you took a look at our back yard, you’d know why. Hopefully the dog (and the yard) will survive the rest of the summer.

Luckily for the dog, it wasn’t him. The neighbors gigantic dead tree just fell over. No wind or anything, it just fell down. It totally missed everything, there were three possible houses it could have hit (including ours) and one possible car, and it just hit the ground. That, that’s Grace right there.

Category: random monday 4 comments »

4 Responses to “grace, like rain, falls down on me”

  1. Jill

    I guess we just got to love the goods and the bads while we have them – thats’ what I tell myself. Then be grown up before we know it. BOO HOO!

  2. kev

    What? No picture of the big dead tree. awww.

  3. LeAnne

    So happy for you about the tree missing everything. Just makes you think…and then you don’t want to think!

  4. Dawn (aka glassprincess)

    Wow that tree is scary business. As for Honor? Hmmm… I can commiserate. I DO hope they’ll grow out of it soon.

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