photos galore

So it turns out that I did remember to bring the camera home, it was sitting in the living room the whole time. Yes, I am losing it that much…

But! Here are my before pictures of the shop, it looks so different from these photos already! I think all I have is one more day of painting left and then I can start transporting all this yarn to the shop.

Click any photo to see it bigger.

Walking in the door.

walking in the front door

The main room. The big table goes here.

the main room

The east room. We painted over the mint walls.

the east room

Walking into the kitchen. We painted over these walls too.

walking into the kitchen

View from the dining area of the kitchen. The kids area will be the dining area.

view from the

The west room, full of windows, this room will pretty much stay the same.

the west room

Category: yarn store 7 comments »

7 Responses to “photos galore”

  1. Merededeux

    Wow! It even has a kitchen? That’s a really nice store.

  2. angela

    Looks fabulous! Can’t wait to see it overflowing with yarn!

  3. sarahgrace

    Woohoo! Gettin’ closer! Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help, of course!

  4. Heidi

    Yippee for you A~ do you feel the green eyes of jealousy piercing your body!?!?!?!? cuz I am SO jealous right now but the happy for you is taking over so much love to you and your gonna knock em dead with your store – proud of ya….. :)

  5. Alicia

    Congratulations on the new store! I hope it is a great success. The store is beautiful–espeically those floors!

  6. WorkAndPlay

    Hey Allison!

    I just wanted to say that it’s so cool that you are starting a yarn store! It sounds like the perfect gig for you.
    The shop looks great already, but I bet you can make it into something truly fabulous.
    Good luck!

  7. pretendingsanity » Open

    […] Here is the store in all it’s glory, look here for the before pics. I’m still waiting on 3 shipments of yarn, some back orders, some more books and some patterns, but most everything is in. […]

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