
I wrote the pattern for these mittens last week. I think it was a beautiful use of the new Malabrigo. I’m looking for a couple of people to test the pattern for me, so let me know if you’d be interested. (I’m also looking for someone to test the hooded scarf too.) Ok! I’m all set on test knitters, thanks!!

mittens two ways

mittens two ways

Category: daily 6 comments »

6 Responses to “mittens!”

  1. kelley

    psst. i love these! i’ll test the hooded scarf (i replied back on the flickr photo but you probably haven’t seen it)… let me know. hmmm.. maybe i should test these too!

  2. Sarah

    I’d be happy to test the pattern for you! For the mittens, that is. I’m not mysterious enough for a hooded scarf.

  3. Merededeux

    I’d love to try it out, but only if it’s on straight needles because that’s all I have and that’s all I know.

  4. Francesca (Stuntmother)

    Hey, you want a test knitter? I would love to help out. Either mittens or hooded scarf. I’m thinking cold weather thoughts already.

  5. Elaine

    I don’t think I’m ready to move beyond scarfs and hats… and although the hooded scarf sounds like it would be a natual combination of those things, I fear not.

    SIgh. Some day I’ll figure out how to purl in a row that isn’t just purl.

  6. WorkAndPlay

    Hey, I’d love to test the hooded scarf as well. I’m a moderately experienced knitter, so I think I could pull it off.
    Let me know if you want me to test knit, so that I can get some yarn when I am back home next month. It’s impossible to get good yarn here…

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