
• Today I cut Honors hair. You’d think by now, he’d be ok with the clippers. But, alas, he is not and it was so not very fun. This time I had him sit in the bath tub on a stool with just a pullup on. At least the mess was containable.

•Being in the hair mood, I decided to dye mine. Ahh, the things you get to do on a day off… It will just be a shade darker than my natural color. (I sit and type with a plastic bag over my hair while it processes.)
I’ve also been on the look out of a new hair cut. I had my stylist cut quite a bit off last time because the straightening iron was murder to my poor hair. But now I’m not really liking it. Right now it’s right above my shoulders in sort of that faux mullet that I’ve been sporting lately. Everyone seems to be wearing side-swept bangs and faux mullets these days… I want something different. And fast. I’ve been spending a lot of time on madradhair but to no avail. *sigh* Having good hair makes all the difference… Time to go rinse.

Category: hair 3 comments »

3 Responses to “hair…”

  1. Dawn (aka glassprincess)

    I look dowdy… it’s time for a new do here too.

  2. whimspiration

    Well, if you are dying it and all that, why not make yourself some woll hair extensions? Dreads or less, Wool yarn is fun in hair. I like felting a 3stitch icord and pinning it onto my head or sewing it to a hair elastic for some real crazy fun. *grin*

  3. Elaine

    I have so much grey in my hair, I keep thinking I should dye it. But then I worry I’d have to keep dying it and then I’d never be free to be me. ;)

    Sigh. What to do?

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