Honor took a step!

Honor took his first step today. He was standing at Edens bed and just walked towards me! He is already much braver than Eden ever was, he just threw himself into it. What a tuff kid!!

Tomorrow he will be 10 months old. I just can’t believe it. We’re really working with him on saying bite when he wants more food. Right now what he does is just yell. I hope that it won’t be long until he learns how to say bite because I can’t stand the yelling!!!

Category: Honor 2 comments »

2 Responses to “Honor took a step!”

  1. me

    Sooooo why wasn’t the grandma informed? I shouldn’t have to read the web to hear Honor took a step!!! What a little cutie face!

  2. amy

    yikes! walking at 10 months? that’d be too soon for me- mine just started crawling and i’m barely used to that.
    sincerely, without a guilt trip ;), amy

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