cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater

Now that Eden is a little older, we’ve been able to play some games with her. Her favorite game of all times is Dora Candy Land. Oh, how I love Candy Land, let me tell you. We’ve played it so many times and listened to Honor go back and forth over wether he wants to be Backpack or Boots that we thought it was time to find some other games to play. Eden can play Uno pretty well and last night we bought Sorry (Jim’s most favorite game of all time).

The problem with playing games with Jim is that he cheats! Always! And the problem with Eden knowing that Jim cheats is that once in awhile during a conversation, totally not related to playing games, with my mother or a complete stranger Eden will randomly blurt out, “Daddy Cheated.” And THAT is a hard one to recover from.

Category: Eden 7 comments »

7 Responses to “cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater”

  1. sarahgrace

    Oh dear…probably a good thing for the explanation…; )

  2. kelli

    Thats pretty bad. I guess just as bad as Hailee who’s 5 wafting her farts to people when we’re out in public because thats what daddy does when he’s at home. Guy’s never grow up.

  3. Dawn (aka glassprincess)

    Thank you for that little giggle. Priceless!

  4. spaazlicious

    Ha, that’s very cute. And very awkward. ;)
    But kelli’s comment. Oh my, _so_ adorably gross.

  5. Ginny

    Oh my, that is hilarious!

  6. LeAnn

    HAHAHAHA! I was eating lunch when I read this and burst out laughing with a roast beef sandwich in my mouth! Oh my God funny.

  7. LeAnn

    Okay, I went backwards a bit on your blog because I was *way* behind and I must say I just gasped when I read that Honor cut up handknit socks! Our middle one, now 13, used to be a “cutter”. He cut off the cords to all of our venetian blinds because he’d heard me say I wanted new curtains and he thought he was helping me to get them. He also cut his sister’s hair — she didn’t have any for the first two years of her life and once she had half an inch he cut it off with zig-zag scissors. But, the kicker was one day when I had to go to Home Depot without the kids and I had our favorite babysitter, David, over to sit. Graham was potty training and so while I was gone, he cut a hole not only in the shorts he was wearing, but the Mickey Mouse underpants he had on. When I got home, he said, “look Mommy, now I don’t have to pull down my pants when I go pee!” Oh my.

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