
•I got the newsletter out and it’s up on the website to download (PDF). What a relief to have that all planned and done!

•Today I put in a new order of Misti Alpaca, I’m really excited to start carrying it in the store. It’s SO amazingly soft! And the colors… ahhh…

•Tonight is the season premiere of Grey’s Anatomy. I feel silly saying how much of a Grey’s Anatomy addict I am. I’m not much of a crier, but I have to say, the season finale, I sobbed! I am a little too excited to be watching it tonight. And I can’t say how happy it made me that the girls of Grey’s were knitting!

•I’m here at the store now with one of my teachers, Guin (hi Guin!), and we’re working on figuring out the pattern for that amazing cabled bag I posted a picture of a few days back. I’ve already got a color of the misti alpaca picked out that is going to be so beautiful. So back to it…

Category: random monday 7 comments »

7 Responses to “random”

  1. Cindy

    Last night I made my husband watch the previous season finale with me (that would be your father-in-law LOL), and I cried all OVER again. Now he is hooked and I have someone to watch GA with. Life is good.

  2. Elaine

    I love that show…

  3. Merededeux

    I love the newsletter. The colors are great. I love Alpaca yarn. Have you opened your online store, yet?

  4. georgia

    i love misti alpaca! i like to just pet it.

  5. georgia

    oh, and i like your newsletter. your classes sound fun–i wish i could visit your store.

  6. kelli

    I cried during the finale and I cried last night at the premiere. My husband came downstairs making fun of me crying, “BOO HOO HOO, Greys Anatomy!” . I’m addicted too. The show after it was pretty good too :0)

  7. Daph

    I love Grey’s too. I was so excited for the season premiere.

    I LOVE the newsletter, and in case I haven’t mentioned it yet, I love the name of your store. Too cute!

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