a few things I’ve been working on

The Noni Carpet Bag before felting. It just seems like there’s always laundry to do instead of tying up the machine with felting! But I need to get it done.

Noni Carpet Bag before felting

There were a few problems with the pattern. Not huge mistakes other than the missing word, but it could have been written a little easier. If you make it, start off with a purl row and make sure you use a different color marker to indicate the beginning of the row. I think extra little tips like these make an ok pattern into a great pattern.

worsted weight socks - camera phone

I just finished up these socks. They’re a model for my beginning socks on magic loop class. Here they sit next to some the killer socks made from Yarn Pirate Yarn. Yarn Pirate is really amazing, and there is some more on it’s way really soon!

WIP - cable eight top - camera phone

And my Cable Eight Top. I’m almost finished with the back. This has been a really easy knit. I’m slowly learning to always check for pattern corrections before I start knitting something. This one had a mistake in the cable – I’m glad I checked first. I’m thinking that I’m going to try to go with a more scooped neck for the front.

Other things I have in progress:
My hourglass sweater. I’m on pause with that one because I’m waiting for the 40″ Addi Turbo to come. Knitting the two sleeves at once on 32’s is a little tight. It works great for socks, but these sleeves are a lot larger.

The second half of my mittens two ways. I made these from the Bulky Malabrigo and made one fingerless mitten and one regular mitten. I need to make their mates.

And it’s taken all day to write this and it’s time to go home. I’m trying to be a good blogger, I promise!! It’s just not working very well!

Category: knitting 2 comments »

2 Responses to “a few things I’ve been working on”

  1. Sarah

    I think you’re doing a nice job of blogging. It’s not easy to set up shop, run a home, and parent a couple of small children! I feel like you’re keeping in touch nicely with all that you have going on.

  2. ladyjane

    Heya! :) I just thought of something. I know that there are small washer/dryers available, like for camping or RV’s. Maybe it might be worth getting a small washer, just to use for felting alone, if you’re doing a lot of felted projects for your shop! Just a thought…that 8-cable is mind-blowing! Lordy.

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