socky socky

A couple weeks ago, Joelene posted a short row heel tutorial. Because I’m not really that humble, I would like to take a little bit of credit for this. I was the one who figured out how to pick up the wraps on the purl side. See? Not so humble. I also prefer to pick up my wraps from the top rather than the bottom. So go check it out, it’s the bestest way to knit a heel.

I haven’t had nearly as much time to knit socks as I would like. That is why this pair that lives in my purse was is still not finished. I started them on the Fourth of July as I was waiting for it to get dark enough for the city fireworks to start. I think I need to get Regia in the store, don’t you? I really like these.

regia socks

regia socks - short row heels

And then there’s these socks.

yarn pirate socks/ louet pearl toes

And you’re thinking… why haven’t these socks progressed? One word. Tuck. The dog PURPOSELY grabbed one of my balls of yarn and started chewing on it. When I yelled at him, he took off across the house with my socks wrapped around his legs. I chased him screaming, NO NO NO, and it just made him run faster. The socks finally found their resting place in the kitchen when the yarn broke. BROKE! Deep breaths…

I should have taken a picture of the mess the dog left, but I was just. so. mad. I managed to mostly save the socks, but now there is a knot in the yarn. I hate knots. Weaving in ends is just so not fun. I had to rip out my 4 inches of progress I had achieved on Yahaira’s Dragon Skin Socks. This would be, I think, the 3rd time I ripped out the socks? I started in plain stockinette, and then decided to switch to the dragon skin socks. Then I realized that the chart was written (non-traditionally) left to right, so I had to rip again. Now I’ve started again in plain stockinette and I’m not so sure about it. I really like socks with some ribbing. Dare I rip again? And now that I look at the dragon skin socks, I’m still really liking them. But I think for awhile these socks need to just get put away… they bring up too many bad memories and… the dog… I still have to like him, unless of course anyone out there wants a 10 month old barking, howling, chewing, sock yarn loving beagle?

Oh, and I really wish I had time to join and I don’t, but everyone should go join Socktoberfest.

Category: daily 4 comments »

4 Responses to “socky socky”

  1. spaazlicious

    Dang dog!
    Don’t give up on the dragon socks–I like Marnie’s version of the socks best (linked at the bottom of the post you linked to) ribbed at the back with the scales on top. Simple, flexible, cute.

  2. merp

    bad tuck!
    I lost a pair of legwarmers to the same thing : )

  3. georgia

    well, at least now we know the yarn can survive being ripped out a few times! thanks tuck :)

  4. Cara

    I love that pink and grey yarn! What brand and colorway is that? I think I simply must have it.

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