Wherein I blame everything on my migraine medication

I woke up today with cramps AND a migraine. And, no, I haven’t had any cheese to cause said migraine. WHAT GREAT FUN!

I’ve been feeling a bit unpopular in the blogging world these days. I think its easy to turn blogging into a popularity contest and then it starts to feel like High School all over again. Knit bloggers are especially hard to understand. You never know what you will say or knit that will suddenly make you oh, so cool. But in the meantime it’s hard to be on the outside looking in.

I try not to obsess over my daily hits and only visit my stats page a couple times a month. But I couldn’t help but look at my stats when I saw that only 14 people subscribe to me with Bloglines. I felt better, though, to see that my hits are doing good, going up. It’s silly to be obsessed with these things, I know, and even sillier to blog about them. But I’m blaming it on my migraine medication. Yes, that and the fact that I plan to eat ice cream for dinner… that should make me feel much better.

I think the funniest part about my stats page is the top 20 search strings. This is the top 20 things people search for that brings up my website (that they click on.) At one point in time a google search would bring me up #1 when you typed in “booger picking queen”. Here they are for the first few days of October.

16.95% purse
3.39% pretending sanity
2.54% lip balm recipe
2.54% lip balm recipes
1.69% 241
1.69% goofy boys
1.69% knitting scarves
1.69% kutless
1.69% ms. marigold
1.69% poop smearing and children
1.69% recipe for homemade lip balm
1.69% thorasic output syndrome
1.69% wristlets mitts
0.85% 1 year old boy
0.85% a purse
0.85% baby biker
0.85% baby herringbone hat pattern
0.85% ballerina picture by eden
0.85% bday cake
0.85% best lip balm recipe

My personal favorites, poop smearing children and a purse. I cannot even imagine what page I come up when someone searches for a purse. Probably page 1200. That right there, that’s dedication, to go through 1200 pages and then suffer the disappointment of finding ME!

Category: daily 25 comments »

25 Responses to “Wherein I blame everything on my migraine medication”

  1. Allisone

    Well, I found you with poop smearing biker wearing a purse.
    Okay, no I didn’t.

    I use News Fire, which is a different RSS reader, but generally click through anyway – but wanted you to know that Sharp Reader didn’t make me click through at all. That could seriously be messing with your stats.

    You totally know that I’m headed to google to come up with the strangest string that will lead me here.

  2. merp

    If it makes you feel any better – no one reads my blog. oh well. I still think you’re a rockstar. plus you knit like debbie bliss! I hope you feel better.

  3. spaazlicious

    It takes a while to build up numbers. I think I was number one for “knitting loser” or something like that a while back.

  4. Heidi

    I came here for the bath salts!!!! that was a year ago already!!! I cant beleive how much Honor and Eden have grown in that year. I also cant beleive how life changes so much in a year. I come here EVERYDAY at least once to check you out – so hope ya feel better and I will try to leave more comments, be it ever so high schoolish!!!! LOL

  5. georgia

    i don’t know how to check the stats on my blog, and i’m glad i don’t cause i would obsess over it. i’m already obsessed with checking my views on etsy.

    i must say, of the blogs i read i like yours the best. the layout is so nice and easy to read. you always post beautiful knitting and i love reading the stories about your children. i feel like it’s preparing me for motherhood.

    i hope you are feeling better!!

  6. Jill

    We can all be the nerd bloggers together.

  7. Dawn (aka glassprincess)

    When I check your bloglines it says 27 subscribers. :) Maybe you’re only seeing the public subscribers and not the private #’s.

  8. stephanie

    ditto, i see 27 subscribers for you.

  9. carole

    If you go to your site & hit the little “Subscribe with Bloglines” bookmarklet, you actually have 42 subscribers on 4 diffrent feeds! So, you have more readers than you think!!

    Regardless, I love your blog!

  10. Sonja

    I have you on bloglines and I read everything you write (now… that sounds obsessive!); i just don’t usually feel like I have something valuable to add in the comments.
    What does that say about me???

  11. Mama C-ta

    Ah yes, the blogging popularity contest. I go through waves where I’m totally caught up in it then I could care less. It’s very clique-y. I thought I graduated from highschool already!

  12. Tish

    I think my favorite is “241.” What’s that about?

  13. zoe

    I read your blog (really no one reads mine!) I don’t comment as I am only online at work and i don’t have that much time in the morning before my boss gets in!! Can’t remember how I found your blog but it definetly involved yarn!

  14. vest

    I found your blog through g*, and I’m delurking to say that I read your blog all the time (even though I don’t knit)! I don’t even know how to use bloglines…

  15. Merededeux

    I come here every day. My favorites of your google searches are “241” and kutless. I don’t know what kutless means.

  16. Amy

    Make that 15! I read your blog but had not subscribed via bloglines… I guess out of laziness!
    I used to blog a lot but lately I haven’t been at all. I just feel too busy. I admire you for writing everyday and enjoy reading your blog!

  17. Charmaine

    I agree, it’s really hard not to check comments and think, “Man, I’m really a loser.” But, I think blogging is about sharing things and experiences you’re passionate about. Readers will come. I also get a kick out of seeing what Google searches lead people to my weblog. They’re pretty funny sometimes!

  18. Ginny

    Hey Allison,
    I understand about the whole populuarity contest thing, and let me tell you that I only get a comment for every four blog posts…so don’t go feeling bad about yoursef!
    Also, I too am suffering from terrible cramps today. If only it were acceptable to spend the whole day curled up in the fetal position!
    Enjoy your ice cream,

  19. Nichole R.

    Jeez, look at all the comments! And you think no one reads your blog… I have a knitblog as well, and it isn’t super popular. but hey, than I don’t feel as bad for not blogging every other day.

  20. Sarah

    I don’t subscribe; I have my blogs on a drop-down menu on my menu bar. I open them all in tabs and click through to see if anyone has posted about once or twice a day. Ok–twice a day. Peter has been trying to get my on an RSS feeder-type thing and I didn’t like it as much as my drop down thing.

    I’ve been reading you since you got linked to from Dooce’s website. How long ago was that? Years ago, I think.

    Keep at it!

  21. Kim

    I subscribe through my My Yahoo! portal, so no bloglines for me, either. We’re out here!

  22. Jaime

    I have also been reading you since you got linked from Dooce’s website and I also don’t subsribe to bloglines. I just check a few times a week. I like your blog though, good recipes!

  23. angela

    I use bloglines! And enjoy your blog a lot. I tried to make a smiley face there but my keyboard is on the fritz so you’ll just have to imagine it, hehe.

  24. Elaine

    I see 28 bloglines subscribers for you… I only have 23. So if you’re going by the numbers, you’re still a star in my book!

    Love you, you big geek!

  25. loo

    Oh, now I feel bad for missing your blog for almost a week! I don’t even know what I’ve been doing.

    Do you consider yourself a knitting blog? Don’t do that…I hate “knitting blogs”! I love your blog, lots.

    And, dude, someone just mentioned that you got linked from Dooce…that should make you like Head Cheerleader in the popularity contest!

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