
I wanted to thank you all for your wonderful comments in regards to my last post. My migraine medication really WAS talking!


I obsess over water. It used to be that I could drink water out of the tap. But that all changed when Joelene* introduced me to Smart Water. Who knew that I could actually like the taste of water?

Since that time, I’ve been pretty obsessed with bottled water. And I’ve been pretty obsessed with who drinks out of my water bottle. Often times I won’t be able to finish a bottle of water if I think the kids could have possibly taken a drink. I even have a hard time drinking water after Jim, a person who I kiss regularly.

Jim’s obsession lately has been cash. He freaks out to touch it. He’s not generally a germ freak, but cash has him dashing for the nearest faucet and antibacterial soap.

Is there something that freaks you out that you obsess over?

*I’m trying to see how many times this week I can mention Joelene.

Category: NERD! 13 comments »

13 Responses to “obsession”

  1. Joelene

    I love it! welcome to the world of bottled water, now if only it was cheaper…

    yes, I am responsibly for your love of sock yarn and bottled water, that’s what friends are for!

  2. Merededeux

    I can’t take a bite out of food that’s already been bitten. Kids, husband, whomever. If I want to try something that’s been bitten like a cookie, I have to cut off the bitten part first.

  3. sara

    where can you buy smart water? i’d like to try it out since i am not a lover of water.

  4. sara

    never mind.

    i’m a big dork and should have googled first. :D

  5. LeAnne

    I agree with Jim on the cash thing! When one of us has been at the grocery store and comes home, I make the kids march straight to the bathroom to wash and I go to the other bathroom to do the same thing! Cash AND the grocery carts? Yuck.

  6. merp

    I too heart smart water : )

    I freak out over door knobs. Everytime I touch it, I just think of all the people who have come in contact with it, and haven’t washed their hands. ewww. I have the hebie jebies thinking about it.

  7. Heidi

    I wash my hands regularly – after bathroom visits, before preparing food, if I have washed them for a couple of hours – BUT!!! I think people are getting over obbessed about germs….ok, now who is the nerd? your body NEEDS a certain amount of bacteria to keep your immune system working – yes I said that. the more germs you come into contact with, the BETTER your immune system works. Like I said now who is the nerd. :) I have got to do a post on this do you mind A?

  8. spaazlicious

    I’m glad you said that about the water. I really don’t like drinking the bottled water after my nephews, and everybody else looks at me like I’m crazy. Hello? AM I the only one who can see floating bits of churro? So now I always keep my own secret water bottle in my purse. They can goober on the one in my hand all they want.

    Change. Coins are so filthy and smelly.

  9. sarahgrace

    Yes…raw chicken! I have to wash my hands and the cutting board in piping hot water and soap, and then do it again, and then get any area it may have touch with hot water, and then wipe it with a Clorox disinfectant wipe…

  10. Whimspiration

    For an inexpensive and healthier germ-free solution, get some aloe vera gel and a tiral bottle of everclear or plain vodka. Mix the liquor with about 2 cups of the gel and shake violently. It works great, doesn’t contribute to the building of antibiotic-resistant germs, and actually does good things for your skin while not stinking like perfume. *grin*

    Don’t really have anything that freaks me out… Well. roaches. Yeah roaches give me a serious case of the heebes.

  11. Whitney

    hi! i read your stuff all the time but never have commented, I thought i’d add that i am a freak about fignerprints. especially in restaurants. if I see one i lose my appetite, and then i have to ask for a new fork if it touched the table… other than that, in my own home, the 10 second rule stands strong.

  12. loo

    canned drinks. I can not touch a canned drink that has been opened outside. I have a really hard time drinking out of one I’ve walked away from inside but if I’m outside and I have an open can that I’ve been sitting NEXT to odds are I’ll throw it away with out drinking it. If I’m really thirsty I’ll pour it into a glass slowly (to check for bugs) and then check out the inside of the can (for bugs) and then drink it…only if I’m dying of thirst.

    And I can’t wear something that’s been hanging in the closet for more than about 2 weeks with out thoroughly checking every sleeve, leg, pocket and fold for bugs. Shoes…Oh dear, I have to hold them up to the light and look as far into the toe as possible.

    I won’t go out my back glass door without checking the top, side and bottom for…guess what? Bugs.

    I’m not worried about every bug I see, I can handle flies and moths and things (NOT in my drinks though) but I cringe at the site of spiders, cockroaches, bumblebees (or anything that stings), katydids, praying freaking mantis’…Alison!!! Why did you get me talking about bugs? Now I’m going to be feeling them all day!

  13. loo

    ps, I am so not a germ-o-phobe so you’d probably never ever want to drink after me. :)

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