in sickness and in health

I think maybe Honor has an ear infection. We’ll find out today at 2:15. He had an especially hard time going to bed last night and then he woke up because he wet the bed. I’m not sure why in the middle of the night it doesn’t occur to us that we can just change his sheets, so I made him a pallet on the floor next to my side of the bed. This proved to be a big mistake because he whined ALL. NIGHT. LONG. Poor little guy…

Then, not long after, Eden wet her bed. This is very unusual. And once again, no sheets were changed, so I went out to make her a bed on the couch. This, of course woke up Honor and so by the time I got back into bed, I was wide awake. I probably laid there for an hour. This makes me SO mad. I hate not being able to fall asleep. Jim, on the other hand, falls asleep the second his head hits the pillow… no matter what is going on.

Today Honor is still not feeling well, but he’ll go to the doctor this afternoon and we’ll get him fixed up. Eden is convinced that Honor will get a shot at the doctor’s office, so she is quite certain that she does not need to go. I guess she’ll spend some time with Jim today at his office.

On another note, I’ve been so frustrated with my head. After my migraine last Wednesday, I got another one on Friday. I think that Monday was the only day in the past week that I haven’t had a headache. Yesterday another migraine threatened it’s way in but I managed to ward it off with Ibuprofen and Rice-a-Roni. I’m just at the point where I’m flat pissed off. I do not want to deal with this. I want to feel fine and damnit! that’s how it needs to be!

I probably need to do another elimination diet. I’m just worried that I’ll find I’ve developed another allergy. What could it be? My aunt is allergic to wheat – it causes her migraines. I’m pretty sure that I can’t be allergic to wheat because beer it made with wheat and… well… I’m not so sure what kind of life I could live without beer.

Category: daily 8 comments »

8 Responses to “in sickness and in health”

  1. angela

    Awww, that stinks about your family’s interrupted sleep… hope Honor benefits from the doctor trip.

    I hear you on being irritated about the state of one’s health… I am SOO tired of having to mess with my teeth and my eyes just so I can live a normal, comfortable, chewable, see-able life. *sigh*

  2. merp

    Oh man, that sounds like such a horrible night. I’m sorry.

    As far as your headache is concerned, drink lots of water, take your omega 3 vitamins, and pray for the best. I’m sending you lots of well wishes. Feel better : )

  3. Sarah

    Sometimes you can have a food sensitivity without actually being allergic to it. You could be able to eat (or swill) SOME wheat, but once you start ingesting it (by whatever means) in larger quanitites, then it starts affecting you.

    Good luck, though. I hope you find out what it is in short order.

  4. spaazlicious

    Amen. (to your last statement)

    I have some favorite books on audio that I listen to over and over, I listen to them with the volume really low on my ipod at bedtime using the sleep timer; usually I fall asleep before the ipod turns off. Otherwise, my brain keeps me up all night.

  5. georgia

    that sucks about your migraines. my dad suffered terribly with them, so i know how miserable they can be. i’m gonna throw in my pharmaceutical advise. are you taking any meds to prevent them from occuring? sometimes beta blockers can help, and anti-seizure meds can also help. they also do this thing called a “botox halo” where they inject botox all around your head in a circle. it’s supposed to really help. talk to your doctor. i hope you feel better soon :)

  6. sarahgrace

    Oh…Allie…I hope you’re able to get more sleep tonight, as well as the Honor-boy, poor kid.

    …and yeah, it would truly be a bummer to be banned from beer, but not all beer is made from wheat, is it???

  7. Brianne

    I really hope you two are feeling better quickly. I get migraines a few times a week too so I feel you. Good luck. I hope you haven’t developed another allergy too.

  8. jasmineT

    maybe you havve an ear infection too? Sometimes they can cause wicked headaches. Hope you feel better soon!

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