
The other day the kids were at the store with me and a customer asked Eden what she was going to be for Halloween. I told her that we don’t really celebrate Halloween to which Eden replied, “We don’t really like the devil.”

Category: Eden, quote of the week 10 comments »

10 Responses to “ooops”

  1. jasmineT

    Eden’s awesome! I am so going to use that reasoning this year.

  2. spaazlicious

    Aw man, that’ gonna get around and really drive away customers. Everybody knows that knitters really love their Satan! ;)

    (We knit lots of hats and socks to hide our horns and cloven feet)

  3. kelli

    Thats hilarious!

  4. sarahgrace

    LOL!! Go Eden!

  5. Dawn (aka glassprincess)

    Out of the mouths of babes! Go Eden go!

  6. scout

    Well the other day Supergirl told someone that she stuck her hand up her ASS and pulled her underwear out because she had a wedgie. WTF!? Lovely…..

  7. georgia

    hahahahaha! man, i feel sorry for the kids who live in families that do really like te devil :)

  8. Brianne

    So awesome. So spectacular. I think she deserves a cookie for that one.

  9. Amber

    Hahahah hilarious!

  10. kari

    My eyes are watering from that one! She is such a precious little nut. =)

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