dress up

We may not celebrate Halloween, but we can, however, rock the giant November 1st sale on dress up clothes. Of course, included is the requisite grumpy Eden photo.

from behind

a grumpy fairy

buzz lightyear

It’s been a crazy last couple of weeks. I feel like I’ve barely had a moment to breathe, as evidenced by the lack of interesting blog content. But life always seems to continue wether we have time for it or not. And so there is cleaning and laundry and yarn orders to be placed and knitting classes to teach and children to chase and dogs to pet and husbands to catch up with. (What? Who are you? You seem familiar, like maybe I married you a few years back?) So everything is happening at once, and we just move forward, always forward, watching to see what will unfold.

I did have a wonderful time with Joelene who was here visiting me last weekend. I’d love to share all the fun things we did just as soon as she uploads all her photos as I didn’t take a single one. Of course.

And now I must go clean up the giant mess of dress up clothes. That seems to be my number one supreme job title today – the cleaner up of messes that could have been easily avoided by anyone other than Honor. Oh Honor… at least you’re cute.

Category: daily 3 comments »

3 Responses to “dress up”

  1. merp

    I love the pink hair wig. Adorable!

    I hope this isn’t rude, but I’m curious on why your family doesn’t celebrate Halloween. Personally, I’m indifferent about it. I hope my asking isn’t offensive.

  2. Sarah

    I’m also curious why you don’t celebrate Halloween. Please share!

  3. kelli

    Edens face is so funny. I think the grumpiness comes with being that age! I know, when does the running stop? And what would it be like if I actually had the kids in soccer or ballet? A lot crazier. I cant imagine. You sound like you need a breather too.

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