hipster pda

I have a meeting with the Skacel rep Feb 21st. How am I going to remember that? It’s like, what? 12 days from now. I can’t remember what I’m supposed to do tomorrow. um… wait.. make a birthday cake for Eden, I knew there was something.

So I think I’m needing a planner. Just something small that I can write down things I schedule, things that I cannot forget to do. You know, stuff like put gas in the car and go to Target and meet with the skacel rep. Really important things.

I was directed to this website: DIY Planner. And from there I was reminded of the Hipster pda. I sort of like this idea of the hipster pda, sort of a tongue-in-cheek spoof that sounds really good to me. I need to write things down to remember them and if I had to take the 20 minutes it would take for me to tap in each letter with a little stylus, I would never accomplish anything.

I’m still gathering together ideas, but the wealth of pictures at flickr have been a good start for me. I’m thinking that I need something a little more organized than just a binder clip… hmm… I’ll add what I find here.

I’m checking this out: pocket mod

Or maybe I just want to be lazy and get this: moleskine pocket planner.

edit again: It seems that it’s the most offensive thing to go into a book store and ask if they have a planner. It’s FEBRUARY, they say. Yeah, it’s only February, I say. Asking for a planner in February is deeply offensive to their booky bookness. What happens if you decide you don’t like the planner you have in say MARCH? What if(!) your planner gets stolen in June, then what are you going to do? It seems reasonable to me that since I just decided I needed a planner at the beginning of February, not knowing I would decide this in early January, I should be able to find a planner somewhere. I guess I’ll have to order it online…

But I did find this great pre-fab hipster pda at Target by real simple. sigh.

Category: daily 4 comments »

4 Responses to “hipster pda”

  1. sarahgrace

    Hee hee hee…if you’re really that serious about getting a planner, I can show you mine. I’m not quite sure how to function without it you know? I used to have a great planner in my own head, I remembered dates, names, numbers, addresses; all kinds of things. Then I got pregnant. And you know the rest ;)

  2. Wendy

    Ha, that hipster pda is cute, but I could never handle it. I just bought a calendar/organiser last week from our B&N from the clearance table for 2 bucks. Lots of room to write in, we’ll see if it helps. I also use my cellphone to remind me of appointments (it has a calendar with alarm function). I live in fear of getting a call, “Hi? Um? I thought we were having a lesson?”

    I also use a dry erase marker and write important stuff on our bathroom mirror, and lovenotes to Nick.

  3. Sadie Rose

    i use iCal – which i’m sure you’ve probably tried if you have a Mac. it’s great for me because, since my job consists of a lot of computer time, i can check it fairly frequently. also, i could never keep track of an actual planner, and would forget to write things down, or i’d write them somewhere else and forget. finally, after my boss sent me a planner as a “gift” (a not-so-subtle hint to stop forgetting things!) i decided to try iCal, and i love it. i actually remember stuff now.

  4. ginny

    Hey Allison,
    I got a Whomi organizer this year and I absolutely love it. It has a pen holder, a regular calendar and a day to day calendar the has room for a note about several different people. It’s also in a nice plastic sleeve so that it will last all year.
    Check it out, you might like it.

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