
Is it worth the extra $6 a week to upgrade from a case of aquafina to a case of smart water? I really love smart water.

(PS sorry for my absenteeism, I’ve had lots of thought floating around but haven’t been able to corral them into something legible.)

(PPS congrats to one of my best friends, Sarah on the discovery that her #3 baby is going to be a girl!)

(PPPS I spelled absenteeism right the first time, congratulate me!!!)

Category: daily 5 comments »

5 Responses to “wondering”

  1. merp

    i like smart water so much more than auqafina… i think it’s worth the 6 bucks. Though, I’m not sure if I just like the packaging more, but I don’t care. I like all of their waters, especially formula 50. yum.

  2. Jaime

    I say water is water… is it worth $312 extra a year to you?

  3. Jill

    Sorry… but what is smart water?

  4. Brianne

    Pscht, Smart Water, hands down. And absolutely congratulations on your awesome spelling.

  5. sara

    because of you, i love smart water.

    so i say – yes, absolutely it is.

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