because I’m aparently the luckiest woman

Until he did this, I was all set to write about the time he told his afraid-of-committment friend that it was better to learn to really please one woman than to have akward sexual relationships with lots of them. And I would have made you oh, so jealous. But now? Not so much.

(And PS, just so you can have a true idea of the WHOLE story, I’m allergic to cheese, the store is 4 blocks away, and he bought me fruit punch while I was puking. FRUIT PUNCH!)

Category: Jim 3 comments »

3 Responses to “because I’m aparently the luckiest woman”

  1. sarahgrace

    Fruit punch…eew. I think fruit punch could’ve made me puke all on it’s own accord, no alcohol needed.

  2. teh_hubby

    WOOT! I’ll get some hits today!

  3. Kari

    I don’t know Al….I may to agree with hubby on this one….it WAS just a hangover. Maybe the fruit punch was just to reaffirm what the puking already had-that you won’t drink that much again! Or maybe…he was being a husband. ha =) They can be a bit clueless at times you know. ;)

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