
Yesterday, I came home from a long day to some very exciting mail. We found out that Eden was accepted to the school we were really hoping to get her in. See, we’d gone through a fairly involved application process to find that out of 100 or so applicants, only 22 would be accepted. And this was happening by lottery.

It wasn’t until that final meeting where we really learned more about the school, that I decided that she HAD to go there. In the whole elementary school, there are only 130 kids. It’s the only all day kindergarden in the district and she will have Fridays off. Honor will automatically make it in when he’s ready for school too. Because it’s sort of an experimental type school that’s out of our area, I’ll have to drive her every day, but I think it will be well worth it.

This comes as SUCH a relief. I was so worried about sending her to the school in our area. And I didn’t feel like any of the private schools provided a good alternative for us. Now the only thing that I have to freak out about is that she’s actually GOING TO SCHOOL. GAH!!

(Because I forgot to do this for her b-day, I uploaded a whole bunch of pics of Eden and created a new set. Click below to see the set.)

more mountain pics

Category: Eden 6 comments »

6 Responses to “yippee!”

  1. Heidi

    She is getting SO SO SO SO SO BIG!!!! I cant beleive she is going to kindergarten already! wow….then you need to start on #3 wink wink nudge nudge…

  2. kelli

    She’s so beautiful! I’m glad she was accepted into the school you want her to go to. I know that feeling. I don’t even want Hailee to go to 1st grade. But at least she got to start her her school years in a great Kindergarten. Her class only has 12 kids and her teacher is great. I’m sure Eden will love her new school :0)

  3. Brooke

    That is GREAT!!!! I am glad it worked out for you! She will love kinder. Good luck to you, the hardest year for me so far was 1st becasue it was all day….thinking of her sitting in the lunch room…. she will go all day from the start….WOW! Your girl is growing up!!!

  4. sarahgrace

    Yay Eden!! Congrats, so happy for you guys!

  5. LeAnne

    I cried when Cameron went to kindergarten. I am still amazed that he’s old enough now to get his drivers’ license!

  6. Sonja

    That’s such exciting news! Congratulations!!!

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