my coolest new tip

Generally in my house, I do the laundry. But every once in awhile Jim will “help” and my favorite new shirt will come out of the dryer small enough to fit Eden. After the most recent laundry tragedy, I decided to start writing explicit instructions on the washer like “don’t dry my grey shirt dress” or “this load needs to be run again on hot, with bleach”. (BTW, if you rinse your whites first in cold and then wash in hot with soap and bleach, they stay really white!)

All you need is a dry erase marker and the smooth top of your washer and you have an instant message board. Just make sure to test it first in an inconspicuous spot.

Category: daily 9 comments »

9 Responses to “my coolest new tip”

  1. lady3jane

    that reminded me of Miranda July’s website for her new book:

  2. Jill

    Smart COOKIE

  3. jasmineT


  4. Heidi

    Here I thought I was hiding a great treasure with washing whites in cold first! LOL My hubby wont do that, 1 wash is enough, ugh… :)

  5. Daph

    Very smart! We’re the same way with laundry, poor Bryan’s so paranoid now, LOL.

  6. sarahgrace

    …if he must help with the laundry, sounds like a good idea to me. I try not to let Kev do mine- he can do his, but I fear for my clothes, just like I fear for my appetite if I let him try to cook things… ;)

  7. Kari

    You are a crafty girl…think we’ll try it…except we’d probably set some clothes on top of the writing and somehow it would stain my favorite something or other. =)

  8. fuzzypeach

    You are a genius.

  9. Rebecca Beagle

    Oooh, if only I had a laundry room of my own to try it out. As it is, we do laundry once a week, and one of the loads is all “undryables”, which gets washed on gentle and hung to dry. It works pretty well, however, it didn’t keep him from tossing both an inky pen and a chapstick into a (dryable) load a couple of weeks ago. I lost five shirts in that one…

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