
So where have I been that last week? No where really, just working and playing with the kids. We spent some time at the local lake, went to a movie at the new fancy theater and swam at the only outdoor public pool for this whole 100k people town (ridiculous really). Can you tell the weather has finally turned summer?

After attending a very loud performance at the battle of the bands that won Jim’s band a spot in the next round, I think I’ve been experiencing a bit of vertigo. Something about the sharp pain in my ear that night (that also stuck me outside for the rest of the night) has really messed up my equilibrium. I’m sporting bruises up and down my arms from bumping into things as evidence. As if I needed another factor to add to my clumsiness.

I finished my eyelet cardi, it’s a little big. I’ll overcome my laziness soon and post a pic. It’s wearable, but I like things to have a little less ease. It’s my fault for not looking at the finished measurements. I get frustrated with knitting that doesn’t fit, especially when I could have used common sense and knit the right size. BLAH…

I think I’m going to go have my third, 10 calorie popsicle for the day…

Category: random monday 2 comments »

2 Responses to “random”

  1. Kari

    Whhhoooaa…easy on those popsicles. =) Sorry to hear about your ear-that sounds painful. We have a pool out here in our little town…pretty decent really. Call if you wanna go. =)

  2. LeAnne

    Picture of the eyelet cardi! Can’t wait. I really want to cast on for mine. I finished up 2 projects last night and I need to finish up 2 more, THEN I can move on to my stuff that’s waiting in the wings. I’m down to ONLY 13 projects now. :-)

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