
Wow, my life has been busy the last few days. I helped give my friend Sarah (who is about to POP) a baby shower, two of our dear friends are marrying each other on Saturday so that’s got us busy with planning and parties, and another great friend just moved back to town. Needless to say, our house has been quite the hub of activity.

There’s been a lot on my mind, but much of it involves other people – probably not a good idea to write about – so I’m missing the option of this outlet. I’ve also been thinking about how I handle my relationships. I always try to treat people the way I want to be treated and I wonder, do we all automatically default to treating each other the way we’d want to be treated? But maybe it’s better to treat people the way THEY want to be treated? Sometimes there is a big difference in the way I’d like things and the way Jim would like things. I tend to get upset with people about certain things, but are those things a matter of common courtesy or just something that is important to me? And I could ramble on, but I need to go make dinner.

Category: daily 3 comments »

3 Responses to “thoughts”

  1. LeAnne

    I’ve decided to “live it” to treat others like I’d like to be treated. It hasn’t always worked out well, as in the case of my mother in law (a relationship that used to be great and will never be again). However, if I treated her like she wants to be treated, I couldn’t live with myself because I’d be being dishonest with myself. Does that make sense?

  2. LeAnne

    I’ve decided to “live it” to treat others like I’d like to be treated. It hasn’t always worked out well, as in the case of my mother in law (a relationship that used to be great and will never be again). However, if I treated her like she wants to be treated, I couldn’t live with myself because I’d be being dishonest with myself. Does that make sense?

  3. Cher

    That is a DEEP question.
    I understand well what LeAnne is expressing. I once had someone tell me he wanted to be manipulated (and yes, he wa a manipulator).
    I have been reading a relationship book titled, “How to have that difficult conversation you’ve been avoiding” by Cloud and Townsend. In this book is a section titled, “wanting well,” the basic idea being to get what one wants out of a relationship in a way that is good for both parties.
    I think the phrase “wanting well,” has to do with wanting right things. If I want or like right things, then I do well to “do unto others as I would have them do to me.” If the other person wants or likes right things, then I do well to treat them as they want to be treated.
    Knowing and speaking another’s love language is a wonderful ideal and practice – the problem comes in that we are fallen creatures and sometimes our wanting (the desires of our heart)or love language (the way we relate or minister) is in need of rehabilitaion by the spirit of the creator.

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