
I sit down to write and
I have nothing to say. Eden
is combing her
polly pocket’s
with my hair brush. Honor
changed out all the
on his lego robots
and they look

I packed up all the stuff
I’ve forgotten
to take to Tangle the last
several trips.
I can’t forget my camera
too because there is
hand dyed yarn to
photograph. (I do not
use my camera entirely

I really want this jacket.

My mind is buzzing with
many ideas. This is good,
but I fear I will
them all.
It is a relief to be inspired,

Everyone has been quiet
Are you still out there?

Category: random monday 10 comments »

10 Responses to “today”

  1. Jill

    I’m still here, in fact waiting for this exciting news you have. Hope to see you tonight.


  2. Elaine

    Sadly, still here rather than in Chicago. But waiting on PINS AND NEEDLES for your news.

  3. Sarah

    I’m here! Waiting for your news!

  4. Lisa

    Yes, I have felt very quiet lately.

  5. Linde Gellert

    What a great web site. I’m so enjoying. You make me laugh,cry&think. Now that’s good . Keep up the good work. Keep it up.And thanks.Linde

  6. Merededeux

    I’m here :) I read you often.

  7. carrington schaeffer

    i’m still here!!!

    and i love you, and i miss you!

    and i’m coming home soon which is both happy and sad.


  8. Leann

    I’m here and I visit you here all the time. We’ve taken in Kelly’s daughter, Catie (again). Things have been crazy since she got here. She is like one of those kids on Supernanny and so we are having some major issues with straightening her up. Write me if you ever have a chance because I would like to talk to you about all this. TTYL! ♥

  9. Cher

    Oh, yes, we’re all still here – we were just being quiet so you could get your work done :) Let’s see, you did a wedding, sarahgrace had a baby and grandma had to run over the mountain several times to visit family and baby, and take the younglings to recording sessions. I love your site. Even in my busyness I am still drawn to my favorite blogs

  10. loo

    I’ve been absent a lot. I try to make sure I check in on you once a week though.

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