sweet and sour

So it turns out that my exciting news for Tangle fell through. But not to worry, things are still going to great, you should see the place. It’s jam packed with the most gorgeous yarn… I have to say Christina (who is my new business partner, by the way, THAT’S an exciting thing!), and I have really good taste!

Anyway, I am certain that things are going to go well for us no matter what! And I’m proud of what business women we’ve become too.

BTW, tomorrow is our first birthday party at the store. Can you believe it’s been a year since I opened? If any of you are in town, stop by the store for a cupcake to celebrate with us! And if you’re not in town, check out the website tomorrow, there is going to be an AMAZING sale going on.

Category: yarn store 5 comments »

5 Responses to “sweet and sour”

  1. Elaine

    So sorry that things didn’t work out (what is wrong with people, anyway?) but thrilled that you and the new partner in crime are having a blast. Will have to remember to click over and see the sales!

  2. carrington schaeffer

    i believe in you!

    you are a successful business woman. i was talking to someone at my temp job, and they were just saying how much they hated their job – and they’ve worked there for 15+ years. but they’re too scared to try anything different.

    and that’s NOT you.

    you inspire me.

  3. alex

    Congrats! Keep on being an inspiration. By the way I am so glad I found you again. Its been a year almost since I had a blog I have one again now and I found you yey!

  4. Daph

    Wow, has it been a year already? Congrats! :) If I’m *ever* out that way, I’m for sure going to have to check out your store in person. It looks so warm and inviting!

  5. sarahgrace

    Aw…sorry to hear that things fell through, but sounds like you are moving ahead in spite of it all. And really, what you’ve got going is already fabulous! Well…I miss all y’all, will be back Sunday night. (the 12th)

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