whatever it takes

Yesterday we were in Old Navy trying on a mountain of clothes for school. Honor only had one thing to try on (hello Old Navy, I don’t want to dress my almost 4 year old in teddy bears and clouds!) so he got restless quickly. Luckily I happened to be prepared and pulled a bag of health food animal cookies out of my purse.

He seemed to think this was the best thing ever and told me, “Mom, these cookies make naughty boys be good.”

Category: Honor, quote of the week 3 comments »

3 Responses to “whatever it takes”

  1. Lisa

    That is awesome. I just laughed harder than I have all week. So cool. Yes, I use to bring “Good Manner Beans” for the kids whenever we had a long shopping trip, so that every so often, they would get one to tide them over and keep them behaving. Oh, Good Manner, AKA jelly beans!=)

  2. sarahgrace

    Hhhmmm…I wonder what else they will work on?

  3. Cher

    Children can be so insightful – Or is that; out of the mouth of babes….

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