
My mom gave me 2 huge boxes of peaches yesterday, so today I pulled out my food dehydrator. (Note to self: next time, put it away clean.) I spent the last hour washing and slicing peaches. But the upside to that one – I’ll walk into the house to the wonderful smell of peaches when I get home from work today. (Not to mention, yummy dried peaches without any crap in them!)

I needed those big boxes of peaches to jump start me back into domesticity. Up until last year, I dried all sorts of fruits. I think after peaches I will do pears and then apples. That should get us good and stocked up for Eden’s lunches. Speaking of lunches, I’m having a hard time coming up with ideas for her lunches – I refuse to fill her with crap every day. This week she’s taking hard boiled eggs (she loves these), a cheese stick, an organic yogurt tube, and a beef jerkey stick. Ideas?

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10 Responses to “peaches”

  1. Allisone

    I’m drying summer apples as we speak.
    Muffins are great in lunches, you can do carrot cake-ish ones with dried fruit, carrots, and whole wheat. My daughter loves faux bento (the not so pretty kind :) rice balls, edamame … Have you looked at Vegan lunchbox? Great ideas – and easily adaptable.

  2. Sarah

    There’s a cookbook called Vegan Lunch Box ( It’s a blog, but she put a whole cookbook together, too. I have a copy. I’m not vegan, nor even strictly vegetarian, but I like the ideas that this cookbook gives for packable lunches aimed at little kids. There are some really good recipes in it. One critisism I have, though, is that she relies a lot on processed vegan foods like “vegan lunch meat”, “soy hotdogs”, etc. But it is still an excellent book for ideas and insparation.

    Here are some of my ideas: grilled cheese sandwiches, cut up into triangles or squares, garbonzo beans, hummus and cheese sandwich, nut butter sandwich with banana slices, fruit slices, egg salad sandwiches, cooked chunky pasta (like penne or wagon-wheel) with a light colored sauce like alfredo (to prevent staining) or even just some parmasean sprinkled on top, tuna sandwiches, veggie sticks–not just carrots, but cucumber and green and red peppers, too–granola bars, and lentils with a little balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

  3. Sarah

    By the way, as we speak, the timer is going off and my Best Ever Banana Bread is coming out of the oven. Yum!

  4. Daph

    Mmm, sounds good. Dehydrated fruit is a great lunch idea.

    We’re in the same boat with lunches — I second the Vegan Lunchbox — I got us a copy, and we’re not vegan. Really fun stuff in there — I use it for ideas, and then adapt it to what works for us.

  5. Lisa

    My daughter loves cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches (as long as you can keep them cold!) or wraps…tortillas with cheese, lettuce, tomato, avocado, etc.
    Cliff bar makes kid’s bars that are organic and have much less sugar, but are still like a treat.
    Paninis would be good too, because you could make it the night before but it tastes good cold…My kids like tomato, basil, and fresh mozzarella. Happy Lunch Hunting!! Let us know what you come up with!!

  6. Sadie Rose

    My 3 y/o is going to start preschool on tuesday and i will thus begin my journey as a lunch-packer. But you should check out this thread on a local PDX mama blog that has basically become my parenting bible. The blog has so much priceless info. Here is the link for the lunches:

  7. Sarah

    How funny! CityMama just posted about her lunch box love:

    and here are some of her links:

  8. carrington schaeffer


    so we’re having dried peaches up at camping???

    it’s a camping tradition.

  9. Cher

    Wow! You (all) new generation of moms have it all together. Its the gen X super mom age.
    Lunches, however, are a challenge to every generation. cream cheese rolled up in a flour tortilla or refried beans in a flour tortilla are a nice change. Last week I made a sandwich out of left over spagetti – butter the bread first so it doesn’t get soggy.

  10. Allisone

    The kiddo has just requested musubi in her lunch. In particular spam musubi. Easy and cheap!

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