
This week, we started back to our fall schedule at Tangle. That means that one week I work 3 week days and one week I work 1 week day and the weekends. It’s a great schedule, but to say that Honor has been giving me fits while he is at the store with me, is an understatement.

I was pretty certain that once Eden started school, he would start behaving for me. To a degree it’s helped, but he’s still pretty dern naughty most the time we’re at the store. I was really hoping that he could just hang out with me while I worked, but he’s the kind of kid that can’t have my attention stolen from him for one second. Even if we’re in opposite rooms, the second there is the potential to steal away my attention, he’s gotta have ALL of it. Immediately. The big, giant, screaming fits just don’t fly, but he still tries.

I’ve started looking for preschools for him to attend, but so far most of them are only half days and I need a whole day. (I probably should have been doing this months ago… so much for my wishful thinking.) And I’ve been trying to ask friends too, but nothing thus far has worked out. And I just can’t stick him in a daycare.

I’m super frustrated and I don’t know what to do. Not having a solution stresses me out more than anything. And I just want to get along with my little kiddo. Being at odds with him is very unsettling.

Category: Honor 6 comments »

6 Responses to “Honor”

  1. Elaine

    It may be temporary… I know my kids are pretty insane when a big change happens but then calm down once they adjust. Maybe that’s all it is?

    I hope you figure out a good solution soon!

  2. Sarah

    I know there are daycare centers in my area that offer a preschool curriculum. You drop the kids off when you want (like a daycare) and pick them up after X number of hours. And while they are there they do preschool-type things. Kindercare is one place I know of that does this sort of thing. I looked at it, but it was a lot more money than the preschool we chose–of course, though, they do get more time there, but that wasn’t quite what I was after. It might be something to look into.

    What would be the benefit to going with a standard preschool over a part-time daycare option?

  3. Cher

    Any churches in your area that have a Mother’s Day out program? This might take care of one day per week (or two if you find two different churches) and give a little social life.

    Dallas had a church on every corner and I signed Philip up for the Mother’s Day Out within walking distance – one did not have to go to that particular church as it was an outreach program.

  4. Cher

    On the other hand; with Kev I tried preschool one day a week (they wanted a contract for two) but we ended up just getting him a desk at the office and plenty of paste and tape and glue to do paper construction all day…..

  5. Brooke

    This might be a long shot… but what about trying a preschool program that you could teach him while you are at the store. This would provide structured activities for him to complete, give you both time together that is purposeful, and give him activities that he could complete on his own while you have customers, are ordering, teaching classes, and anything else you need to accomplishe at the store. I would be glad to sit down with you and develop one that would work for you and Honor, or go look at a bookstore with you for one that might be good.

  6. robiewankenobie

    in the meantime, it might be helpful to have store specific toys that he can’t play with anywhere else. and special snacks that he doesn’t get at home. you could also give him a job. i know that helps when we go to visit my friend’s yarn store. c. is in charge of picking out bags for her customers. maybe you could have him in charge of greeting customers (you can practice a specific greeting) and the bags?

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