not enough time in the day

I’ve had a busy, busy past week with not much of an end in sight. There’s lots to catch up on, but until I have time, take a look at the bags we just got in at Tangle. I’m so in love!! We just put in a big order for more today and we found out that what we’re getting will be the last of these specific bags. Phew! Thank goodness we got them!! The one pictured below is going to be MINE!!! More to come…

sanibel nickel

Category: yarn store 3 comments »

3 Responses to “not enough time in the day”

  1. kari

    Verrryy nice. =) Are they for knitters only?

  2. Brianne

    That bag has more style in it’s little finger than I have in my whole body.

  3. Jody

    Ooooh, pretty. I love those colors together!

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