my moment in the spotlight

So last Monday I was approached in the grocery store by a reporter from our local newspaper. She must have been drawn to the large car shaped shopping cart I was hauling around full of screaming small people. (I had Eden, Honor and my niece, Alex with me. I know that was crazy.) When she asked to interview me, I looked down at my cart at the squirming little bodies and told her that I was a little busy. But she persisted and I ended up shopping pushing a cart full of screamers with a reporter trailing me asking about my shopping habits and how the rise in grocery prices was effecting my budget. Amidst it all, she got the quotes right. But left out the part of where I talked about how important it is to me to spend more on organic if I have to rather than buy junk for cheap.

Little did I know that the article would run in Sundays paper on the front page and that my name would be the first words of the first article on the front page. Just great… I’m just glad that I turned down the photographer who wanted to come take picture of me putting groceries away!

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One Response to “my moment in the spotlight”

  1. Lori

    I saw that article! Wahoo for you :)

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