You’d let me give you stitches right?

I have so much bubbling inside me but I feel empty of words. Right now I’m researching why Camelbacks are so much more $$ than the other brands and trying to figure out how to outfit myself with a freaking brilliant first aid kit. I want to be able to give stitches if absolutely need be. I don’t want any of this single doses of sudafed and tylenol packaged in tiny paper envelopes crap, I want to actually be prepared.

Category: daily 5 comments »

5 Responses to “You’d let me give you stitches right?”

  1. LeAnne

    You should absolutely have a great first aid kit. I can’t even count the number of huge gashes my kids have gotten camping and if you are gone 12 days, take double what you think you’ll need. Hopefully you won’t use any of it, but you’ll feel safe. Get some of that tape with the strings in it that docs use to “stitch” areas that don’t really need needle and thread stitches. It works great.

  2. Erin

    Get some of the liquid bandaid stuff – less trash than regular and it stays on better.

  3. cher

    Uh, well, then, of course you have sheets torn and rolled into bandage rolls and the plaster and splints to set broken bones, right? – I like the idea of the butter fly – stitch tape…LeAnne mentioned. – What are you carrying to knock them out with so they don’t scream and carry on while you do the stitches?

  4. erin

    Try a medical supply shop, they might carry individual stitch packages there. But unless a wound is so deep that it requires multiple layers of stitches, Steri Strips are an even better idea. Stitches hurt to put in; steri strips are really fast and painless (beyond the actual injury, of course.) Even if they come off in a few days, just put new strips back on. A few minutes of a wound being open here and there is not that bad, it was knitting together before and it will keep knitting together after you tape it closed again. (Can you tell my kid has been injured more than his fair share?)

  5. Brianne

    Liquid Band-Aid stuff is not suitable for deep cuts. Stitches are best with a lidocaine topical treatment to deal with the pain. You’ll need a prescription for lidocaine, but I’ve used benzocaine with success. I’ve totally given myself stitches. Everyone thought I was pretty bad ass for it.

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