in print

Big article about me in the paper

The Sunday edition of our local paper ran a big article on me yesterday. Here’s a link to the story.

Category: me, yarn store 6 comments »

6 Responses to “in print”

  1. sarahgrace

    Thanks for the link. I still couldn’t find it last night after searching and searching. :-)

  2. Brooke

    My in-laws gave me the article, it was great! Hey I know someone fameous!

  3. Danielle

    Nice article! You look so cute in the pics!

  4. judyktw

    I read the article——–
    Congratulations on making print!
    You deserve it–sounds like you are really lucky to have a job you love!

  5. LeAnne

    AWESOME! You are truly living the dream. Congratulations on everything. You have really done it right.

  6. Jen Stout

    Soooooooooo cool!!
    I am very happy for you!!
    You Go Girl!! : )

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