random monday

•Over the weekend Honor got his prize for not having a potty accident a whole week straight. We went to Chuck E Cheese’s and paid $20 for a blue spider ring and a pot of lip gloss. The kids had a great time and I think Jim and I had an even better time. I think that we both thought we would never go to Chuck E Cheese’s because he would never be potty trained. And, trust me, it was well worth the $20. Now we just have to get him to the point of not expecting candy every time he goes.

•I whipped up these mittens for Eden on Saturday. The would have been a really quick knit if I would have paid attention when I was shaping the thumb gusset. Instead, I had to rip them all the way back to the gusset and start over. Oh, well, they’re cute.

eden's mittens

Pattern: My own
Needles: Addi turbos size 9 – magic looped them two at a time
Yarn: Dive Tesseo – about half a ball.

•Today was the first day of my birthday week. This is what I woke up to.

my present for day one of my birthday week

Sweet Jim.

•I’ve been sitting here for awhile trying to come up with words for my thoughts about today, September 11. I try to refrain from stating my political views on this website so I’ll just paraphrase what I read today on the front page of our local newspaper.

“We have suffered a extraordinary loss and we have given up many, many sacred rights. And we’re still not safe.”

Maybe some day we will be.

Category: random monday 10 comments »

10 Responses to “random monday”

  1. loo

    Happy Birthday Week!!!

  2. workandplay

    Enjoy your birthday week! Those shoes are fabulous!

    My b’day is tomorrosw (actually today in my time zone), and considering that I am taking a course, living in a hostel and missing my ladyfriend, I hope I’ll even manage to fit in a birthday DAY.

    I want a birthday week too!

  3. Kari

    Birthday week eh? I need to pass that idea on to my husband…I always celebrated a birthday weekend when I was single. ;)

  4. Melissa

    Happy Birthday!
    Those are quite possibly the cutest shoes ever.

  5. Ginny

    Happy Birthday Week!

  6. Merededeux

    Happy Birthday Week!

  7. georgia

    happy birthday! love the mittens and those shoes are to DIE for! what a hubby!

  8. Sarah

    Happy Birthday Week!

    And may I express my envy on your potty-trained son? My almost-three-year-old isn’t even close to being a consistant pottier.

  9. LeAnne

    Happy Birthday week, Allison!!!! (What’s the “real” day?)

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