Archive for January 4th, 2006


January 4th, 2006 — 9:28am

Don’t forget to sign up for the scarf swap spectacular, there’s only a few spaces left.

Over the last week Honor journeyed into the land of sleeping without the walls of his crib, again. And again, it didn’t work out. I’m just getting used to the fact that he’s going to be sleeping in his crib until he’s 10.

I think he was most tempted to get out of bed at nap time. One day he got up, climbed up onto the dresser and got the lotion, two kinds of diaper ointment and Eden’s princess lip balm. He then preceded to smear all of it all over himself, his sheets, and his friend that was napping in the port-a-crib. He also took every single wipe out of the wipe box. And that was just what happened one day.

We thought we could stick it out this time, but there is only so many times you can wipe diaper ointment off his slimey face or refold an entire box of wipes. So he’s back in his crib again. Maybe we’ll try again in a few months… maybe.

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