Archive for January 12th, 2006


January 12th, 2006 — 11:48am

Ok, bloglines (who should be paying me for this endorsement!) is a web based application that allows the user to subscribe to different RSS feeds (like blog feeds, news feeds, etc.) From your personal bloglines page, you can see when each feed you subscribe too has been updated, and either read it directly on your bloglines page, or click to go to the website. The only thing you can’t do directly in bloglines, is comment on a blog post.

It has saved me a lot of time, because usually I’d go through all the blogs I read and only half of them would be updated. It takes me way less time to read blogs now, so I actually do it a lot more. And there you have it.

In completely different news, we got to see our 6 month old niece for the first time on Tuesday. Jim’s oldest sister is caring for her while the babys mom is in the hospital. She is such a sweet, happy baby. It was really great to be able to see and hold her. There’s so much more that I’d like to say, but it’s probably not wise to post such things on the internet. Just if there’s any extra prayers any of you want to throw towards Jim’s family, it would be greatly appreciated. And at least I can rest easy in the fact that I know right now, my little niece is safe.

7 comments » | cool things, thankful

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