Archive for April 4th, 2006

making them work for a living

April 4th, 2006 — 12:27pm

customizable chore charts

(Oh and Honor just told me that he needed to go potty and he went and sat on the potty and peed all by himself! wow.

Edit: I should also mention that he not only went on the potty, but that he carried it into the dining room for me to see. Can’t get much by that boy.)

4 comments » | Kids


April 4th, 2006 — 9:20am

I’m feeling much better today, except that I just paid bills and that’s never makes anyone feel good… except, I guess, not being able to pay bills, which makes you feel worse… so I guess I’m feeling better today. My root canal is scheduled for 7am tomorrow, nothing like starting the day out great! I’m relieved that I at least got an appointment with my regular dentist rather than the rude and uncompassionate one I saw yesterday. If someone is going to spend an hour and a half hammering on my poor tooth, they had better be nice.

Even though I’ve been laid up, I haven’t got as much knitting done as I would have liked. I finished my Koigu sock, but I refuse to post a photo of it until the second one is done. That will give me some sort of motivation to finish the second. I’m working another purse, my own pattern, and it’s coming along, slowly. Also I’m almost finished with the Linen Print shawl for my mom, it’ll only be about a month late for her birthday, oops. All of my projects are in varying stages of completion, but all I can think about is this rug. I want to knit it so bad!

rug from One Skein

It’s just so amazing! Someday, I will finish my huge list of projects I have to get finished and I will knit this rug. Someday…

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