Archive for June 22nd, 2006

swimming lessons

June 22nd, 2006 — 8:38am

Monday, after two weeks of hearing every day “when is swimming lessons?” we started swimming lessons. Eden was more apprehensive than I expected her to be, but I think it’s mostly because her teacher is a boy. (dern boys!) Luckily her best friend is in the class with her so I can actually coax her into the water. Once she’s in, she’s totally fine, it’s just that initial moment of shyness that overcomes her.

Honor on the other hand is… Honor. I’m doing the mommy and me class with him so he’s not scared at all, just a wiggly, slippery ball of energy. Honors favorite part of swimming lessons is when we’re done and get to go play on the Splash Pad. Our pool just installed a series of fun fountains at the pool and so far it’s a HUGE hit. I’m still a little concerned about the combination of water and concrete, we’ve come home with some scrapes, but it is pretty cool nonetheless.

(Photos courtesy of my good friend Melissa.)

swimming lessons

swimming lessons

swimming lessons

swimming lessons

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