Archive for July 29th, 2006


July 29th, 2006 — 8:20am

Eden has been back since Wednesday and she and Honor have quickly fallen back into their usual routine of thoroughly enjoying misbehaving in each others company. Yesterday we were at Kmart picking up some chairs to go with my new table for the shop. (I had to buy chairs at Kmart because Target failed me!!! I’m so devastated that I can’t talk about it… oh, Target!) We were up front checking out when Eden climbed up on the side of the cart and pulled the whole thing, with a chair in it, down on top of her. Honor was in the cart and was not buckled because, of course, there was no buckle, so he took a tumble too.

The clerk came flying over the counter as I quickly grabbed the cart and the chair and threw them out of the way. The kids were very scared but escaped with some minor bumps and bruises. It took me several minutes to stop shaking! That was scary and could have been much worse. When we got back in the car, Eden and I had a good talk about why it’s important to obey your mom when she tells you not to do things like climb on the side of the cart.

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