Archive for August 14th, 2006


August 14th, 2006 — 10:19am

Last week, after I got off work, I loaded up the kids and headed out to the mall to look for some new shoes and jeans. Usually this would be a fun experience, but we have NO good shoe shopping in this town. It’s pretty sad, really. After several stores and dinner, we headed to Old Navy. The thing about Old Navy is that even though I love their jeans, I have to try on every single pair in my size to find the perfect pair. No pair of jeans is the same.

Needless to say, we were out for several hours. As we were leaving Old Navy, I picked Honor up and noticed that his pants were wet. “I spilled water.” he told me. Um, yeah, no water in sight. Thats when I realized that he had had real underwear on the whole time. Over 3 hours he went without an accident.

I called my sister to ask her to let me know next time he’s not wearing a pullup and that’s when I found out: He always wears real underwear for her and he never has an accident. He always sits on the potty. He even goes without being told.

So, yeah, when it comes to potty training, it’s just me he hates.

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