Archive for September 8th, 2006

cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater

September 8th, 2006 — 9:15am

Now that Eden is a little older, we’ve been able to play some games with her. Her favorite game of all times is Dora Candy Land. Oh, how I love Candy Land, let me tell you. We’ve played it so many times and listened to Honor go back and forth over wether he wants to be Backpack or Boots that we thought it was time to find some other games to play. Eden can play Uno pretty well and last night we bought Sorry (Jim’s most favorite game of all time).

The problem with playing games with Jim is that he cheats! Always! And the problem with Eden knowing that Jim cheats is that once in awhile during a conversation, totally not related to playing games, with my mother or a complete stranger Eden will randomly blurt out, “Daddy Cheated.” And THAT is a hard one to recover from.

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