Archive for October 4th, 2006

Wherein I blame everything on my migraine medication

October 4th, 2006 — 3:02pm

I woke up today with cramps AND a migraine. And, no, I haven’t had any cheese to cause said migraine. WHAT GREAT FUN!

I’ve been feeling a bit unpopular in the blogging world these days. I think its easy to turn blogging into a popularity contest and then it starts to feel like High School all over again. Knit bloggers are especially hard to understand. You never know what you will say or knit that will suddenly make you oh, so cool. But in the meantime it’s hard to be on the outside looking in.

I try not to obsess over my daily hits and only visit my stats page a couple times a month. But I couldn’t help but look at my stats when I saw that only 14 people subscribe to me with Bloglines. I felt better, though, to see that my hits are doing good, going up. It’s silly to be obsessed with these things, I know, and even sillier to blog about them. But I’m blaming it on my migraine medication. Yes, that and the fact that I plan to eat ice cream for dinner… that should make me feel much better.

I think the funniest part about my stats page is the top 20 search strings. This is the top 20 things people search for that brings up my website (that they click on.) At one point in time a google search would bring me up #1 when you typed in “booger picking queen”. Here they are for the first few days of October.

16.95% purse
3.39% pretending sanity
2.54% lip balm recipe
2.54% lip balm recipes
1.69% 241
1.69% goofy boys
1.69% knitting scarves
1.69% kutless
1.69% ms. marigold
1.69% poop smearing and children
1.69% recipe for homemade lip balm
1.69% thorasic output syndrome
1.69% wristlets mitts
0.85% 1 year old boy
0.85% a purse
0.85% baby biker
0.85% baby herringbone hat pattern
0.85% ballerina picture by eden
0.85% bday cake
0.85% best lip balm recipe

My personal favorites, poop smearing children and a purse. I cannot even imagine what page I come up when someone searches for a purse. Probably page 1200. That right there, that’s dedication, to go through 1200 pages and then suffer the disappointment of finding ME!

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