Archive for September 6th, 2007


September 6th, 2007 — 1:26pm

This week, we started back to our fall schedule at Tangle. That means that one week I work 3 week days and one week I work 1 week day and the weekends. It’s a great schedule, but to say that Honor has been giving me fits while he is at the store with me, is an understatement.

I was pretty certain that once Eden started school, he would start behaving for me. To a degree it’s helped, but he’s still pretty dern naughty most the time we’re at the store. I was really hoping that he could just hang out with me while I worked, but he’s the kind of kid that can’t have my attention stolen from him for one second. Even if we’re in opposite rooms, the second there is the potential to steal away my attention, he’s gotta have ALL of it. Immediately. The big, giant, screaming fits just don’t fly, but he still tries.

I’ve started looking for preschools for him to attend, but so far most of them are only half days and I need a whole day. (I probably should have been doing this months ago… so much for my wishful thinking.) And I’ve been trying to ask friends too, but nothing thus far has worked out. And I just can’t stick him in a daycare.

I’m super frustrated and I don’t know what to do. Not having a solution stresses me out more than anything. And I just want to get along with my little kiddo. Being at odds with him is very unsettling.

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