Archive for November 24th, 2011

change and thankfulness

November 24th, 2011 — 1:17pm

Today I am abundantly thankful for our ability to change. (Thanks Carrie for giving my thankfulness words today.) I’m so thankful for the desire to live a better life, to be a better person. I’m thankful that God created us to grow, learn, change, adapt – that where we find ourselves today can always be different tomorrow.

Last Thanksgiving I had scheduled an appointment with a therapist and was so hopeful for the change that I knew therapy would bring about. The changes that happened were entirely different than the ones I expected to happen, but I think that was part of the lesson I’ve had to learn: patience and learning to let go of expectations.

Five years ago yesterday my life completely changed, I just didn’t know yet. I was driving home through the mountains scared, hurt and totally drained. I’d gone over to the front range to try and help a family member, and everything fell apart (including me). I remember driving as fast as I could to get home because with my family was the only place I knew I was safe. Little did I know someone was making a choice in that very moment that would set the course for the rest of my life.

The day before Thanksgiving will always be a bit of a sad memory for me. But also a memory I will always cling to. Because I know that I lived through that day. I know that I lived through the choices made that day and the events that were set into motion as a result. I know that I can change. I know that whatever crisis may come in my life (whether real or self-inflicted) I can make it through. Therapy gave me the skills to make it through. God gave me the strength and the ability.

I am so thankful that I made it here, eyes wide open, ready to change and learn and grow.

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