pics from the last week or two

Thai iced tea
Thai iced tea w/ the kids in the background.

My kind of fortune.

Pixie sticks!
I searched the town high and low to find giant pixie sticks. They make perfect straws for Beergaritas!!

Sometimes you know your friends love you when they let you drink out of their very special Thor cup.

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Lincoln park
Lincoln Park at Magic Hour

Gotta learn somehow
Sometimes you have to google things…

Lake day
Lake Day! Photo courtesy Lisa.

Kitty tail
Rickelle’s cat walked by a candle and caught his tail on fire. Luckily it just singed his hair and he didn’t get hurt.

Colorad wild fire!

Toth ranch
Toth Ranch. I spent 4 days with the girls up here at a retreat and it was SO, SO AMAZING. Exactly what we all needed and more.

Baby bird
Carrie saved this baby bird from the cat and was nursing it back to health. Then the cat got it anyway and everyone was mad.

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