December 26th, 2013 — 10:57am
Snow up to his neck
morning commute to Middle School
They love them some churros
woodworking project in the basement
Selling some hats on consignment at a few of the shops around town
Gifts for my teachers at Tangle – I have 18 of them!
Finished sweaters for the twinzies
Bridge between LoDo and LoHi in Denver.
Love Larimer Square
Breakfast at Snooze
took the twinzies to the aquarium for their 4th birthday.
I ordered the worlds largest Christmas Cards (designed by me!)
Fun, new toy at Tangle
Two giant Ikea bags full of Cotton Candy for Amy’s Christmas Party. (I love having my own cotton candy machine.)
love my tree
pecan brittle. the only holiday treat I made
Honor begged me for this nutcracker from Anthropologie. How was I to turn the boy down?
Love having a business partner that knits me gifts.
This light display, north of town, gets better every year.
stockings for Seth and Carrie and baby Elliott
fox jammies!
handknit stockings don’t hold up super well to being packed full
playing with my new wacom tablet
It’s like Josh knows me.
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December 6th, 2013 — 1:10pm

Baby Elliott hanging out at Tangle while his mama helps with the Christmas windows.

The children both have iPods so they’re constantly texting me from the next room when they should be sleeping.

new duvet

I really don’t like the red Starbucks cups, so these reusable ones have been a good substitute. I realize I’m ridiculous.

Blueberry/cream cheese hand pies I made for Thanksgiving.

And apple pie.

We take any chance we can get to eat at Bin 707.

Pie for breakfast. The best tradition of Thanksgiving.

Followed by a hike. The second best tradition of Thanksgiving.

Tangle very early on Black Friday.

Everyone’s wish lists.

Our first year of having a real tree.

Happy 30th birthday, Seth!

digital billboard I designed for Downtown Grand Junction.
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November 13th, 2013 — 10:11am

Eden wearing makeup

Broncos games in the garage!

Billboard I designed for Downtown Grand Junction!

pretty downtown fountain

Sunset at the corn maze

Delicious, new downtown restaurant that serves all made from scratch salads, paninis and soup. Cafe Sol. love it.

fun with kids at the corn maze

Josh is an app and web developer so he has every device ever for testing.

love them

Josh on his birthday.

Mouse’s Chocolates in Ouray

Ouray in October. We drive 1.5hrs and leave fall and arrive in winter. Love this place.

Josh got a new tattoo for his birthday.

date night!

Photo by Seth Schaeffer

Visited my sister for a few days and I was in charge of dinners.

Love. Photo by Seth Schaeffer
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May 17th, 2013 — 9:19am

Honor saved up to get a helicopter so he could fly with Josh and Seth.

Kitchen Fries at Bin 707 – girls happy hour.

Workin on setting up Carrie’s baby’s room. Note the quilt I made.

Eden with her buddies at Middle School Orientation.

The lights in Josh’s new office.

Larimer Square in Denver

Rooftop dining in Denver

We took over Bin 707 one night to film a promo video for Josh’s startup, Swaylist.

Seth loves him.

more shots of Josh’s office

She was reading to us.

Josh and I went to the second meeting of the West Slope Supper Club. It was early ’60’s themed.

new fire pit


at Tangle
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April 29th, 2013 — 12:15pm

Eden got accepted into the Challenge Program for middle school. The competition was tough and I am so proud of her!

We spend so many hours in the backyard, around the fire, staring at this sky.

My first try at making Risotto.

Me and baby Cal and the blanket I made him.

New table at Tangle that Josh helped me build.

Headed out for another of our hot springs day-trips.

The Fox theater in Montrose is amazing! It’s full of old tile in pristine condition. Tickets and popcorn are actually affordable. It felt like we had gone back in time 50 years. LOVE IT.

new twine at Tangle

find all the veggies you have in the house, toss them with olive oil, salt and pepper and roast at 400ยบ for 20 or so minutes.
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April 28th, 2013 — 12:15pm

Haagen Daz with cocoa nibs and whiskey drizzled over.

wrote out the menus for Downtown Coffee, the church’s new coffee shop that helps support the Good Samaritan Clinic.

workin on Tangle windows

We wanted a fire pit in the backyard, so Seth dug one.

my biz parnter’s daughter went to China.

rearranged the yarn at Tangle

family Monopoly night

Eden now wears a woman’s size 6 shoe…

more rearranged displays at Tangle


Eden shaming the dog.

Spring Break tradition: Ouray hot springs and Mouse’s Chocolate.

Finished blanket for baby Cal.

conference materials being made

We pulled off the conference. It went amazingly well. Our pastor gave the opening talk and gave me a really special shout-out, talking about what a good leader I am. Then we showed the Good Samaritan Clinic video. I felt a little like a celebrity.

little girl kid

We took the kids camping over spring break and they both learned how to skip rocks. I am still terrible at it.

My mom’a dwarf nectarine tree right before it did this:

4 inches!

Dexter as Princess Leia.


This is a sad snarf. We know he’s sad because he’s green. That boy and his imagination…
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April 27th, 2013 — 9:45am

A new present for to myself.

love this little guy

I helped Brian plan and run a one-day conference with local leaders in our community so this was my view for the month of March.

Learned how to rug hook on our class at Tangle.


I stayed in this position on the floor for a long time after doing an insanity workout.

Josh and I went to Denver to see a couple of shows and it happened to be Restaurant Week. mmmm.

At the Churchill show at the Ogden Theater.

Churchill. Love them.

Every time we go to Denver we seem to hit a huge blizzard. It was fun to cozy up in a little tea shop with tea and scones and clotted cream.

On our way home from Denver we stopped in Glenwood Springs and ate at the Pullman. It was AMAZING. Very Bin 707-ish.

Love him.
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April 26th, 2013 — 11:38am
This is what happens when you get so busy, there’s no time to blog. I’m working on having better boundaries with myself so this very thing doesn’t happen again.

Key Lime Pie at my favorite, Bin 707.

My sister begged me to take him home with me. Maybe a puppy and twinzies is a little too much…

Mountainy storm

We gave out free flu shots at the Good Samaritan Clinic.

Eden turned 11 – way back in February.

One of Eden’s presents.

Tangle finally got custom price labels.

Josh and I made Valentines day Brunch.

Eggs baked in avocados… good but not awesome. I prefer my avocado room temp.

Eden and her BFF prefer to eat by themselves.

look who got his first lollie from Aunt Al.

new little planter.

Silly hat day at school turned into silly hair day.

Part of my plan to live on a budget. Love this debit card.
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January 29th, 2013 — 12:23pm

Eden’s new pet rat, Paris

crema, an amazing coffee shop in Denver

Mimosas at Watercourse in Denver

breakfast tacos, 21 day challenge approved

baby puppies came to visit me at Tangle

pretty yarn at Tangle

scored this at an antique store in Montrose, CO

new RAM for my Tangle mac. I installed it myself!

everyone is obsessed with the new Sprouts

he poops on the floor, I tried to make him clean it up himself. I give up on training this dog…

more puppies visiting me at Tangle

a new garbage disposal, one of my Christmas presents. he’s the sweetest
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January 3rd, 2013 — 1:18pm

watching the parade of lights from the top of Tangle

bird’s eye view of Tangle


article about Tangle in the University magazine

Josh and I are getting obsessed with going to Lois’ for breakfast.

progress of my Christmas stocking.

maybe I’m getting someone addicted to coffee…

eating at Pufferbelly as the train goes by. Maybe this obsession with breakfast places has something to do with bacon being my second favorite food…

Dexter snuggled himself up in Josh’s hoodie.

getting set up for the Clinic

We ended up seeing a record 43 patients that day.

Chiopino at Bin 707…amazing…

my cousin’s husband got to come home for the first time since June.

This church took their Christmas Eve offering for the clinic. Brian and I were so honored to get to share with them during their Sunday morning service. It was one of the sweetest churches I’ve been to.

Don’t be fooled by his sweet face, he will pee on your floor given the chance.

me and baby Cal

I can’t tell you how much I LOVE the snow. It dumped on both Christmas and New Years Eve.

Eden hanging out with her Basketball coach.

Josh wired a chandelier for me that I had gotten at a yard sale a few years ago. The kids found it very fascinating.
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