Nikon D70

We brought the camera home from the office this weekend. I think I’m in love. It’s a Nikon D70, the same as Dooce uses.

Anyway, if I overload you with photos, you’ll know why. The thing I love best about the camera so far is that when I push the button it actually takes the photo, no delay. See, the good people at Nikon know that when photographing children, if you have even the slightest delay, you’ll end up getting a picture of them picking their noses instead of smiling so prettily.

Here I am with my little spud.
Me and Honor

Eden blowing on a dandelion
eden blowing on a dandelion

Jim cleaning the blood off Honor’s face after he found a piece of BROKEN GLASS and tried to EAT IT (I have no words…)
honor ate broken glass

Category: photos 7 comments »

7 Responses to “Nikon D70”

  1. almost fey

    Holy cow, the glass incident is scary!

    My camera does the delay thing and it drives me INSANE. Might have to upgrade once baby arrives.

  2. elizabeth

    i luv that pic of you and honor (and i luv what you’ve done with your hair). i luv my digital camera, but i *hate* with a passion the delay. mikey is good about sitting there with a smile on his face and saying cheese, but bella on the other hand, you are lucky to get a smile for one second while she looks at the camera otherwise, she is thru with ya and is busy looking at something else.

  3. joelene

    I love that picture of you and honor too!

  4. JP

    Cute pictures!!!

    Eating broken glass…oh, these darn kids.

  5. Tay

    I really love that last picture.

    There is something that must be said about a strong man being so vulnerable with their kids that is so touching. Very good picture!

  6. Wendee

    YES Digital SLRs are from heaven!!! I bought my Canon DRebel about 6 months ago and love it.

  7. Cara

    Your pics are amazing! And we’re in the market for a new camera b/c of that darn delay (among other annoying characteristics of my current Canon) I have to check out the Nikon D70. Pricey but if no delay, so worth it!!

    I LOVE, love, LOVE that pic of Honor and Eden you have on the homepage now!!!

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