Wittle Buddy

Eden is so freaking hilarious. It’s amazing how much she loves her little brother. My mom always said how much my little sister and I loved each other when we were little. I never believed her because we were enemies when we got older (we get along now). But I can see now how that could be.

[pause to go get Honor more milk in his bottle, the little addict! He says, “some muk, some muk”]

Eden is such a mirror of phrases we use. I guess we call Honor, “little buddy” frequently, because she always calls him “wittle buddy.” They’re playing together really well now. Eden always asks him, “Honor want to go outside and play? Would that be fun?” He shakes his head and says “side, side, side.”

But what I hear all day long is, “Mommieeee, mommieeee, mommieeee.” or “mine, mine, mine, mine.” Over and over again. Someone tell me why I wanted him to talk?

Category: Eden, Honor, Kids 4 comments »

4 Responses to “Wittle Buddy”

  1. sarahgrace

    How funny… I can’t wait until Drew and Beau are able to play together. When Drew wants my attention and I’ve got Beau, he says, “Put away, Beau?” And when he actually wants to hold him, he says, “Hold it?!” Yeah kids really do say the darndest things. hee hee hee

  2. V

    Eden seems like she’s such a sweet child :).

  3. Brooke

    You wanted him to talk so you could understand what “UH, UH, UH” meant, and it is SOO heart lifitng when they can say I love you! Before it was “I wish they could talk” it’s “I wish they could walk” Then “I wish they could drive”… A long list of “I WISH” followed by “WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS I THINKING?” :)

  4. Knittykat

    PS–can I just tell you how FREAKING ADORABLE that new pic is??? I swear you are such a good photographer and they are so photogenic they look like freakin’ Hallmark cards.

    If I am having a bad day all I have to do is look at your site and I feel better right away–those darn cute babies and your sweet narration of daily life just bring sunshine to every day.

    And I still love the ‘things fished out of the toilet’ list. :-) One of my faves.


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