the Slimey Monster

We’ve been spending more time with Jim’s business partner and his family lately. They’ve got two boys relatively close to our kids ages and Eden especially has fun playing with their 3 year old, Christopher. (Don’t ask me why she gets along better with boys… Maybe it’s because they listen to her when she bosses them around.)

Last night we were over at their house for dinner. We had, among other things, watermelon and ice cream. Needless to say, The One Who Must Smear His Food was in true form. I don’t think Honor has made it one day in his life without making a BIG, HUGE mess of his meals. And if Honor is covered with food, that means that I am covered with his food too. He’s such a loving and sweet child, how could he not share the slimey love?

I noticed last night when I got home that I had chocolate ice cream smeared all over my face. (And those of you who know me and my family may attribute the chocolate ice cream on my face to the genetic love for ice cream that I am predisposed to by a certain member of my family. The same certain member who loves ice cream so much that she climbed across a table to eat ice cream out of somebody else’s bowl. But alas, I do not share that same earth shattering, to the core of oneself, LOVE for ice cream. This ice cream on my chin was wholly attributed to the Slimey Monster.)

So anyway, last night Eden and Christopher were playing “Mommy and Daddy” and Christopher was heading off to work. He said to Eden, “Oh, I need to give you a kiss before I go to work!” All eyes were on Jim, but luckily for Christopher, Jim didn’t hear it. He freaked out the other day when they were (very cutely) holding hands.

So, on our way home Jim felt the need to educate Eden on the perils of young boys.

Jim: Eden, we don’t kiss boys, they’re YUCKY; boys are SILMEY. Ok, Eden? We don’t kiss boys.
Eden: OK.

A few minutes later Jim wanted to review with her to make sure he made an impact.
Jim: Do we kiss boys?
Eden: No, we don’t kiss boys, they’re gross.
Me: Well, you can kiss mommy, daddy and Honor.
Eden: No we don’t kiss Honor, he’s slimey. He’s got slimey cheeks and slimey hands and and a slimey head and slimey LIPS. He is SOOOO slimey.

I foresee many a hosing down in the boys future.

Category: Kids 6 comments »

6 Responses to “the Slimey Monster”

  1. unnamed relative

    That ice cream story is sooooooo untrue! While I can’t deny that I love ice cream–passionately–(yes I would sell my FIRST born for it) I did not climb across a table and eat out of someone else’s bowl. That is a falsehood, a story, a flat out lie that has been spread about me. You know you could have left that little section of embellishment out of your story about Honor. I’m sure everyone believes the ice cream on YOUR face was his. Hmmm. NOT.

  2. robin

    oh the slimey days when i wouldn’t wear white to save my life. my ten year old just told me she looked better than i ever could (when i made her change from a too small shirt). ugh. what i wouldn’t give for a little (or a lot) of slimey ice cream.

    sorry. lousy morning.

  3. loo

    Just yesterday as I was desparately blotting a PB&J stain from my shirt with a baby wipe I was trying to figure out why I still buy colors like lime green and pink.

    ps, boys are slimey

  4. sarahgrace

    I am laughing out loud for real! How cute!

  5. sarahgrace

    …and gee, I wonder who the unamed relative is??? hee hee hee

  6. Kari

    I told Cade that if he kisses a girl that isn’t his mom, grandma, etc. that his lips will fall off. It’s worked so far….

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